Silly jokes

And here are some more:

1. Why won’t the elephant use the computer?

Because he’s afraid of the mouse!

2. Why is six afraid of seven?

Because 7 8 9.

3. Why did the computer go to the doctor?

Because it had a virus!

4. Why did the volcano get the best results at school?

Because it was active!

5. What kind of key does not open a lock?

A mon-key!

Get away with something

get away with something 

do something bad and not get punished

Example: Harry regularly cheats on his wife but gets away with it. 

Pl ujść płazem

fr s’en sortir impunément

de mit etwas (das) ungestraft davonkommen

es irse de rositas, salirse con la suya


Btw, I really recommend a tv series ‘How to get away with murder’! It’s extremely gripping!

Dumb ways to die…

Set fire to your hair
Poke a stick at a grizzly bear
Eat medicine that’s out of date
Use your private parts as piranha bait

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to di-ie-ie
So many dumb ways to die

Get your toast out with a fork
Do your own electrical work
Teach yourself how to fly
Eat a two-week-old un-refrigerated pie


Invite a psycho-killer inside
Scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride
Take your helmet off in outer space
Use a clothes dryer as a hiding place


Keep a rattlesnake as a pet
Sell both your kidneys on the Internet
Eat a tube of superglue
I wonder, what’s this red button do?


Dress up like a moose during hunting season
Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason
Stand on the edge of a train station platform
Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing
Run across the tracks between the platforms

They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to di-ie-ie-ie
So many dumb
So many dumb ways to die

Be safe around trains… a message from Metro


BOOM GATE or boom barrier

pl szlaban

de eine Schranke, eine Wegeschranke

fr une barrière



grin and bear it


to accept something unpleasant/bad without complaining

“I know you don’t want to do it but you have no choice, you have to grin and bear it”.


pl robić dobrą minę do złej gry

fr faire bonne mine à mauvais jeu

de gute Miene zum bösen Spiel machen

nip it in the bud


stop something before it develops into sth bigger

My daughter started to bite her fingernails but I saw it and managed to nip it in the bud.

pl zdusić coś w zarodku

de etwas im Keim ersticken

fr étouffer dans l’oeuf
