phrasal verbs exercises


1. run out of                    A. raise/educate

2. bring up                      B. endure/tolerate

3. get by                        C. learn

4. put up with                 D. finish

5. pick up                       E. manage

Complete the sentences with one of the five phrasal verbs.

1. I don’t know how they………………… They have six children and he doesn’t earn very much.

2. She is very clever. She……………………. how to use the computer without any training.

3. We had to come back early from holiday because we……………………….. money.

4. Passengers are having to……………………. long waits at airports because of a strike.

5. They………………..that child very badly. She is so spoilt!

Source: “Think First Certificate” Jon Nauton

‘out’ phrasal verbs

CONTRACT OUT – to give a job to somebody outside of your company

zaprzestać udziału w jakimś przedsięwzięciu

Example: The company contracts out most of the basic builiding work.

FIGURE OUT – to discover or decide, to to solve a problem

rozwiązać problem, wynaleźć na coś sposób

Example: We had to figure out the connection between the two events.

SELL OUT – to put all of one’s goods or possessions up for sale

wyprzedać się, dobrze się sprzedawać

Example: I wanted to buy some bread but the shop had sold out.

BE A SELLOUT – a person who betrays a cause, organization, principles, etc., esp. for money or personal advantage; traitor

zdrajca, sprzedajny

Example: The Bible tell us that Judas was a sellout.

POINT OUT – to make a comment, to indicate of specify

zwrócić uwagę, wskazywać na coś

Example: The teacher pointed out that the word “get” has several meanings.

BURN OUT – to have no more energy to think and work

wypalić się

Example: Working too hard can cause a person to burn out.

ROLL OUT – to launch, to start selling a new product

stworzyć, wypuścić na rynek

Example: Australia will roll out the prototype of its new jet fighter in January.

BAIL OUT – to rescue somebody from a difficult (financial) situation

wyciągnąć kogoś z kłopotów, poratować kogoś finansowo

Example: I was going to be late with my report, but my roommate lent a hand and bailed me out at the last minute.




5 phrasal verbs you need to know :)

Please watch the video for examples. This guy is awesome and I really recommend watching more of his online lessons 🙂


1) to place somebody in an awkward situation – wrobić kogoś

2) to arrange or build a system – zaaranżować coś, ustawić coś


1) fix a problem – rozwiązać problem

2) fix a relationship (couples) – rozwiązać problem w związku

3) come to a successful end – udać się, powieść się

4) go to the gym – ćwiczyć na siłowni


1) result – okazać się

2) produce, make, create – wyprodukować coś


1) to stop suddenly – odcinać, odłączać

2) when driving somebody goes in front of you – zajeżdżać komuś drogę


to bring up to date, learn about what happened in the past – nadrobić zaległości, odnowić znajomość

Bye 🙂