A man with a pipe

A man with a pipe was waiting at the railway station. He came to the station very early and bought a magazine. He felt a little tired because he had been driving the whole night. After an hour of waiting, he started to eat a sandwich, which he had prepared at home. At first, he couldn’t find it in his bag because he had hidden it very deep.

It turned out that it was a special sandwich. The man started to change after having eaten it. He started to grow and changed his appearance. He became taller, fatter and uglier. He started to break everything at the station and he bit the dogs which were in the neighbourhood. He hit the building many times. It was terrible.

After an hour he found some water and drank it. After that, everything went back to normal and when his train arrived, he was calm again. He got on the train and left in an unknown direction.

a pipe – a device for smoking (fajka)

This time, let’s revise some irregular verbs:

buy – bought – bought (kupować)

come – came – come (przybywać)

feel – felt – felt (czuć)

drive – drove – driven (jeździć samochodem)

eat – ate – eaten (jeść)

can – could – been able to (móc)

find – found – found (znaleźć)

grow – grew – grown (rosnąć)

become – became – become (stawać się)

break – broke – broken (łamać, niszczyć)

bite – bit – bitten (gryźć)

hit – hit – hit (uderzać)

drink – drank – drunk (pić)

go – went – gone (iść)

be – was/were – been (być)

leave – left – left (opuszczać, zostawiać)

get – got – got (Am.E gotten) (dostawać)